Life Lessons – Life is Fragile

Last week I was babysitting for a new family and while there one of the goldfish died. At first I kind of brushed it off because I know that goldfish have short life spans and die all the time. But, then I started thinking about life and the fragility of it.I thought about how some people know from the beginning that their life span is going to be shorter (whether it be from a genetic condition, disease, etc). But, most people have no idea when or how they’re going to die – until maybe they’re in the midst of an illness. But, as humans we’re expected to live a long time. Many people expect to live well into their 70’s or 80’s.

I started to think about all the things us humans do throughout their years. How we develop relationships with family and friends and how we figuratively and literally grow throughout the years. How we go to daycare, school, extra curricular activities, dances, graduations, college, parties, etc. I thought of all the experiences (good and bad) I’ve had and how I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

While looking at the goldfish I also started to think about how sad it must be to be confined to a small plastic container for your life. I thought of the places I’ve been able to travel to and how every day I can decide if I want to visit a craft store, go to the gym, go food shopping, watch tv, etc. Yet, the goldfish is stuck and forced to see whatever is placed around him. How sad that must be.

Then I started thinking about how the goldfish is fed some little flakey food. The poor fish get the same food every single day. I mean I don’t think they even have “treats” for fish like they do for dogs and cats. I started thinking about all the foods I’d had to eat that day. How I had just had a freshly baked oatmeal raisin cookie and how delicious it was. How sad it would be to be forced to have the same food every day.

Then I started to think about how when people buy fish they have a variety of price levels to choose from. I think the goldfish are usually the cheapest as people know they won’t live very long – I don’t know if the other fish are really more expensive because they’re expected to live longer, that’s just what I’ve assumed. But still, who knew that a $.09 fish could make me think about life so much?


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